Ok, let’s just be honest. Automation has a stigma of being generalised, generic, and, well…robotic. And if not done with the right amount of effort, it can absolutely tank customer experience, leading to a negative impact on firm reputation and trust.

According to a 2021 Forbes article, treating customers as humans is going to count even more as we emerge from the confines of post-pandemic fatigue and begin this new chapter of customer experience and communications. “Customers don’t care about figures or datasets; they’re concerned with how your business interacts and engages with them,” says Forbes.

In this post, we’ll go over five best practices for incorporating hyper-personalised automation in your email marketing strategy as we prepare for a new year. We’ll even share a tool that will help you and your team(s) facilitate this personalisation at every step of your customer’s journey. 

1. Break up your audience into different segments

When you send the same email to your entire subscriber list, it’s nearly impossible to make your content relevant enough to grab anyone’s attention. One of the email automation best practices you can adopt is separating your subscriber list into distinct groups based on unique demographics – like age, gender, content preferences, geolocation, whether they’re a parent, etc.

Segmented campaigns tend to generate 760% more revenue simply because they’re more relevant. Keep customers engaged with relevant communications that inform, build trust and create personal relationships.

2. Create a welcome email series 

You can optimise and automate your welcome email series to enjoy the best results. But, don’t forget to put yourself in your subscriber’s shoes when you design the content. This can sometimes come with a little pressure, as it is your first real impression on your customer. So, little planning goes a long way to nailing the perfect long-term email strategy – starting with a warm and impactful welcome. 

The key to creating an effective welcome email is proper planning. Here’s a few tips and best practices to keep in mind:

3. Find your niche in personalisation

Don’t stress out too much about making your personalised content over-the-top. Instead, gradually introduce personalisation into your workflow.  Don’t worry – modern email service providers like Vuture make it easy to create highly personalised campaigns based on data you already have.

Consider using custom fields to store any type of user information directly to your CRM. Combine email behaviour, user journeys and automation insights to create dynamic segments that are visually customised to better respond to user preferences and increase click-through rate.

4. Use a conversational tone 

Finally, to create a personalised experience for your customers, it’s important to write as though you’re speaking to one person. Automation is often associated with mass audience language that feels generic and watered down. Steer clear of this kind of language!

People prefer email over other channels because it’s less noisy and impersonal than social media. One tactic is to author your email campaigns from specific people at your firm, such as a partner or lawyer. 

This leads us to our 5th best practice (tool), Vuture Connect. 

5. Utilise Vuture Connect 

Vuture Connect allows partners to send personalised emails to select clients from the palm of their hands.  

As a standalone, mobile-focused product, Vuture Connect gives partners control over which mailings they would like to send to specific client contacts and lists, and allows them to add a personal touch to each send such as custom messages, sign-off language or email subject lines.

How does Vuture Connect Work?

Select Relationships

Choose the relationships to manage, and receive notifications when they are included in marketing campaigns.

Schedule Notifications

Schedule how often you want to receive notifications (e.g. daily or weekly)

Receive Email Notifications

Receive notifications on your mobile device whilst you are on the move and decide whether the campaign is right for that relationship.

Make Informed Choices

See Insights on how often your contacts have been sent marketing and if they are opening what is being sent to them.

Write Personal Messages

Enhance the centralised campaign email with a personal message so that the communication comes personally from you.

Wrap up

Automation doesn’t have to be robotic or disconnected. Following these email automation best practices can help you create a unique and human connection with your customers. Remember to:

Details matter, personalisation counts. Check out our newest product, Vuture Connect and learn how easy and efficient marketing is to key business relationships can be for your firm and its partners.